Be cautious when drinking tea made with raw milk, as it can worsen health issues

Drinking milk and eating eggs are commonly recommended for maintaining a healthy body. These foods help strengthen bones and provide energy to the body. Even today, most parents may not always feed their children eggs, but they ensure they drink a glass of milk daily. This is because milk is rich in calcium, which is essential for strong and healthy bones. While drinking boiled milk is considered the best option, some people believe that drinking raw milk is even more beneficial for health. However, numerous studies have shown that consuming unpasteurized milk can actually harm your health rather than benefit it.

According to experts, unpasteurized milk from cows, buffaloes, or goats can contain harmful germs or bacteria, increasing the risk of serious diseases. Milk sold in markets in packaged form is pasteurized, which means it has been treated to eliminate harmful microorganisms. This milk can be consumed directly, but many people still prefer to boil it before drinking to ensure it is safe.

The Dangers of Drinking Raw Milk Increased Risk of Diseases In rural areas, many people still consume raw milk directly after milking cows or buffaloes. However, drinking raw milk can pose several health risks. Raw milk may contain harmful bacteria or pathogens that can lead to diseases like arthritis, diarrhea, dehydration, and even food poisoning. Consuming unpasteurized milk regularly can result in gastrointestinal infections and other severe illnesses.

Pregnancy Risks Raw milk is also unsafe during pregnancy due to the potential presence of Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium that causes listeriosis. This infection can be extremely dangerous for both pregnant women and their unborn babies. Infections caused by listeria can lead to severe complications, such as miscarriage, premature delivery, or even the death of the mother or baby. Therefore, it is strongly advised that pregnant women avoid consuming unpasteurized milk and dairy products to reduce the risk of infection.

Risk of Bird Flu Raw milk can contain harmful germs, including the HPAI A(H5N1) virus, which is linked to bird flu. While the likelihood of contracting bird flu from milk is very low, it is still a possibility. The H5N1 virus is primarily spread through the consumption of undercooked poultry or eggs, but contaminated milk can also pose a risk. To be safe, it is recommended to consume only boiled or pasteurized milk, as it reduces the chances of encountering harmful pathogens.

Increased Acid Levels in the Body Before pasteurization or boiling, milk contains various acids and proteins that can impact the body's acid levels. If raw milk is consumed, the body may experience an increase in acid production, which can lead to digestive issues such as stomach pain, acidity, or indigestion. This is because raw milk’s proteins and acids, when left untreated, can irritate the digestive system. To prevent such issues, it is essential to maintain a balanced acid level in the body by consuming properly processed or boiled milk.

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