Stop sending money on supplements, eat these foods instead

Globally, a large mass of people is opting for supplements, why? Just because it is labelled with “nutrient rich”. Or is it because they are adding or packaging the vital essentials in one container. But why to spend your hard earned money on the expensive supplements, when you have it all in the natural foods you eat. You can get it affordable, healthy and natural, just make up your mind to consume these at home. Come check it-

Vitamin A rich food


Sweet potatoes



Vitamin A, the fat-soluble vitamin is important for the major functions of body, that includes vision, growth and entire development. It also boosts your immune system. To be noted, Vitamin A is not produced in the body, it only comes from the diet you intake. Thus, make sure you take enough foods with Vitamin A.

It is the winter season already. You must eat Kale, Sweet potato and carrots for essential Vitamin A. Savor as much as you can seasonally. Plus, consuming all the green leaves, fruits and dairy fills you up with Vitamin A.

Vitamin B2 rich food





Vitamin B2, riboflavin is in your food as much as you look for in the dietary supplements. It leads to the formation of coenzymes which help in energy metabolism (carbohydrates, proteins and fats), cellular respiration antibody production, growth and development.  

It is time that you incorporate these essential foods to your diet. Milk, meat, eggs, nuts, enriched flour and green veggies are very rich in Vitamin B2, so do not skip eating these foods at any cost.

Vitamin B9 rich food

Broccoli (168 micrograms folate per cup)


Beans and Peas

Citrus fruits

The Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid is a water soluble vitamin essential for the cell growth and function. Also, in the formation of RBCs (Red blood cells). It is also available in whole grains, legumes, eggs, breakfast cereals and nuts and seeds. Ensure that you have enough folate content in your daily diet.

Vitamin C rich food


Guava (125 mg per fruit)

Citrus fruits


For the many vital processes inside your body, there is a need of Vitamin C. It supports immune function, cardiovascular health, collagen synthesis as well as in healing the wounds. Additionally, it is important for connective tissue. You can also consume black currants, kiwi fruit, broccoli, bananas, papayas and pineapples as the important sources of Vitamin C.

Calcium rich food

Sesame seeds




Want healthy bones, do not skip your calcium intake. It also contributes to your heart health, muscle functioning and nerve signaling. Apart from all the other sources, dairy products majorly provide you with calcium. Soya beans, green leaves, tofu and fish also serve with calcium.

Potassium rich food





Did you know that potassium is a vitamin as well as an electrolyte? It maintains a normal blood pressure, facilitates nutrient flow to the cells and healthy nerves and muscle function.

If you feel that there is only banana that can fulfill your potassium needs, then you got to know about certain other foods. Coconut water, beans, legumes, spinach, sweet potatoes, dried apricots are also viable sources, actually giving your body more potassium than banana.

Basically, all the foods that you consume boost your body with more than one vitamin. Incorporating these together can give your body the ultimate benefits you need. So, get on going with the fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds, you will never need any supplements. And your body will never be vitamin deficient.

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